What is Blasting?

Dustless Blasting

Dustless Blasting works by mixing water and abrasive inside the blast tank. By introducing water we are drastically increasing mass and energy the machine is putting out, while eliminating dust. Imagine throwing a handful of dry sand, versus throwing a handful of wet sand; which one is going to have a more significant impact on the target?  Not only will the wet sand hit the target harder, but it won’t disintegrate and become a cloud of dust like the dry sand will. This is the very simple principle behind Dustless Blasting.



Soda Blasting

Soda blasting is an innovative cleaning technology that uses a specially formulated blast media to remove paint, dirt, coatings and other contaminants without causing harmful abrasion to the surface being cleaned. The Soda blast media is based on sodium bicarbonate (baking soda), a water-soluble and non-toxic compound.


Soda blasting is achieved using a high volume, but low pressure blasting machine to propel the soda blast media onto the surface to be cleaned. When the soda blast media comes in contact with the contaminant on the surface, the sodium bicarbonate particles explode. The energy released by this explosion gently removes the contaminant without harming the surface.

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(877) 544-0484


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